What Measures Do Trucking Companies Take to Avoid Accidents During Delivery?

Every year, approximately 1.3 million people are killed in car accidents world wide, an average of 3,287 deaths per day. In Canada, over 160,000 accidents occur each year; estimates show that almost 15 percent of highway deaths in Canada are due to collisions involving large trucks. Clearly, there are risks involved for those individuals and companies making a living on the road. It’s a reason why safety measures are so important to trucking companies in Canada . SAFETY FIRST – THE MANTRA FOR TRUCKING COMPANIES Some believe accidents are an inevitable risk. Other believe there are no accidents, just a series of careless decisions that lead to accidents happening. Regardless, trucking companies in Mississauga have to hope for the best but plan for the worst by implementing strict safety protocols. Driver fatigue, unsafe road conditions and unpredictable weather will always be a reality for trucking companies in Ontario; however, if a few of these steps are taken, it can help mitig...